論我國對產金分離原則之規範 -以金融控股公司與銀行業為核心
The Regulation of Separation of Banking and Commerce in Taiwan: Focusing on Financial Holding Company and Banking
- 編著譯者
- 郭大維
- 出版日期
- 刊登出處
- 65
- 授權者
- 1561-6312
- 地址
- 台北市士林區華岡路55號大賢館
- 電話
- 02-2861-0511
- 關鍵字
- 產金分離;金融控股公司;銀行;金融控股公司法;銀行法
- 中文摘要
- 金融業在各國是受政府高度監理的產業,為避免金融與產業間之關 係過於緊密而對金融業帶來危害,因而有必要要求遵守金融與產業分離 之精神。近來我國金融監督管理委員會一再宣示將推動「產金分離」政 策。惟產金分離原則之法理基礎何在以及先進國家有關產金分離之規範 內容為何,實有探討之必要。職此之故,本文首先分析產金分離之利弊, 探討產金分離原則之法理基礎,進而透過對美國法的比較研究,檢視我 國現行制度之缺失,並提出個人淺見,以做為未來制度改進之參考。
- 英文關鍵字
- Separation of Banking and Commerce, Financial Holding Company, Bank, Financial Holding Company Act, Banking Act
- 英文摘要
- The financial industry is a highly regulated industry in every country. In order to avoid the financial hazards associated with undue relations between finance and commerce, it is necessary to keep the spirit of financial and industrial separate. Recently, Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission has repeatedly announced that it will promote the separation of banking and commerce. It is necessary to explore the legal basis for the separation of banking and commerce and its regulation in developed country. Therefore, this article first analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the separation of banking and commerce, and explores the legal basis for the separation of banking and commerce. Then, it discusses the regulation concerning the separation of banking and commerce in the U.S. through a comparative study. Finally, it examines the relevant regulations in Taiwan and offers suggestions for the future development of the Taiwanese system.
- 目次
- 壹、前言 貳、產金分離原則之法理基礎 一、金融與產業應否分離之爭論 二、國際組織之指導原則 三、小結 參、美國法 一、由金入產之限制 二、由產入金:大股東適格性審查之規定 肆、我國法 一、由金入產:轉投資之限制 二、由產入金:大股東適格性審查機制 三、本文建議 伍、結論