A Study on the Application of Law for Infringement of Intellectual Property Cases Involving Element between the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area
- 編著譯者
- 吳光平
- 出版日期
- 刊登出處
- 65
- 授權者
- 1561-6312
- 地址
- 台北市士林區華岡路55號大賢館
- 電話
- 02-2861-0511
- 關鍵字
- 兩岸智慧財產權侵權事件;源流國法;被請求保護國法;兩岸 人民關係條例;先決問題;請求禁止侵害行為
- 中文摘要
- 兩岸商業交易所引發的專利權、商標專用權等智慧財產權侵權問 題,以及兩岸文化交流所引發著作權侵權問題,特別是高科技廠商相關 技術之專利侵權問題以及知名廠商商品之商標侵權問題,使得兩岸智慧 財產權侵權問題日顯重要。兩岸智慧財產權侵權於臺灣涉訟者,應依「臺 灣地區人民與大陸地區人民關係條例」之「第三章 民事」決定應適用 之法律為臺灣法律抑或大陸法律,之後再依所選擇出之臺灣法律或大陸 法律加以適用。本文乃以「臺灣地區人民與大陸地區人民關係條例」之 規定為經,智慧財產權侵權法律適用之學理為緯,分析兩岸智慧財產權 侵權之法律適用,期能對現實適用時所可能引發之問題與疑義,提供一 些可參酌之說明。
- 英文關鍵字
- Infringement of Intellectual Property Cases Involving Element between the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area, Law of Origin, Law of the Protecting Country, Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area, Preliminary Question, Claim to Stop or Prevent Infringement
- 英文摘要
- Since the end twentieth century, trade, cultural, social and personnel exchanges across the Taiwan Strait have steadily grown, giving rise to numerous problems pertaining to the rights and interests of people on both sides. The “Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area” was enacted for the interactions between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area. The “Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area” regulates conflicts rulefor civil events involving elementbetween the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area. This article analyzes the law applicable to infringement of intellectual property events involving elementbetween the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area, checks some issues of current legal system, and makes suggestions to resolve these issues.
- 目次
- 壹、前言 貳、兩岸智慧財產權侵權事件法律適用之分析 一、兩岸智慧財產權侵權事件之定性 二、兩岸智慧財產權侵權事件之法律適用 參、兩岸智慧財產權侵權事件法律適用之評論 一、兩岸智慧財產權侵權事件先決問題之法律適用 二、請求禁止侵害行為之定性 肆、結論