從歐洲整合觀點論歐盟條約第50 條之歐盟退出權
On Article 50 of the Treaty on the European Union: The Withdrawal Right from the European Union under the Perspective of European Integration
- 編著譯者
- 林人一
- 出版日期
- 刊登出處
- 69
- 授權者
- 1561-6312
- 地址
- 台北市士林區華岡路55號大賢館
- 電話
- 02-2861-0511
- 關鍵字
- 單方退出權;政府間主義;超國家主義;脫歐;歐洲整合; 主權;民主正當性;退出協議;原始法;次級法
- 中文摘要
- 歐盟成員國於歐盟憲法條約失敗後簽署里斯本條約以重構歐盟諸 條約,修訂後的歐盟條約第50 條承襲歐盟憲法條約第I-60 條,明文承 認歐盟成員國之單方退出權,解決長期以來對於退出歐盟許可性的爭 議,也因此成為歐盟體制下歐洲整合的指標性立法,然此法規範有無與 迄今之歐洲整合思想牴觸,殊有疑義,各該細部規定應如何解釋亦爭議 迭生,在英國脫歐公投後更使此等爭議愈加受到矚目,而有釐清之必 要。就此,本文認為從歐洲整合的歷史與理論淵源出發觀察歐盟條約第 50 條,有助於更加精確地建構對於本條之法釋義學思維,爰從歐洲整 合的視角爬梳其路徑之爭如何影響吾輩對於本條構成要件與程序規定 之解釋與評價,並進一步基於法釋義學的討論探究本條規定對歐洲整合 究竟有何重要意義。
- 英文關鍵字
- Unilateral Withdrawal Right, Intergovernmentalism, Supra-nationalism, EU Exit, European Integration, Sovereignty, Democratic Legitimacy, Withdrawal Agreement, Primary Law, Secondary Law
- 英文摘要
- The member states of the European Union (EU) signed the Treaty of Lisbon after the failure of the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe to reconstruct treaties of European Union. Article 50 of the revised Treaty on the European Union inherits article I-60 of the Constitutional Treaty and expressly recognizes the unilateral withdrawal right of EU member states from the EU and solves the long-standing problem of permission to withdraw from the EU. It therefore became an indicative legislation of the European integration under European Union regime. However, it is questionable, if it conflicts with the ideology of European integration. How to interpret the details of its provisions is also controversial. After the Brexit referendum, these disputes have become even more noticeable and are necessary to clarify. In this regard, this thesis considers that it is helpful to observe article 50 of the Treaty on the European Union and to construct a legal dogmatic reasoning more accurately from the historical and theoretical origins of European integration. Therefore, this thesis tries to analyze from the perspective of European integration, how disputes over the different paths of the European integration affect our interpretation and evaluation of the constituent elements and procedural requirements of this provision and tries to further explore the significance of this provision for European integration based on the discussion of its legal dogmas.
- 目次
- 壹、引言 貳、歷史與理論脈絡 參、規範內涵 一、無實體要件之退出權 二、退出歐盟之程序 (一)退出意向之通知 (二)歐盟高峰會之「指引」與「協議」之協商 (三)退出協議之「締結」 三、退出之效力 四、小結 肆、歐洲整合視角下之整體評價 一、歐洲整合思維影響歐盟條約第 50 條之理解 二、對於歐洲整合反動之突破口 三、作為歐洲整合之試金石 伍、結論