
關懷式調解作為複雜型態爭議解決模式之探討 -以日本醫療爭議為例
Caring Style Mediation as a Settlement Model for Complex Dispute Resolution: Focus on Medical Disputes in Japan
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問題解決式調解;治療式調解;轉換式調解;敘事式調解; 混合型調解;日本醫療調解;關懷式調解
調解係針對爭議解決,現代型調解自 70 年代在美國開展以來,有 諸多進展,發展出許多不同技巧類型,為能夠清晰說明各種調解之不 同,本文嘗試以華人歷史故事兄弟交涉案例-孔融讓梨及其進階版案例 為例來逐一說明不同調解技巧間處理的不同方式。對於牽涉諸多因素、 價值與情緒的複雜型爭議則以醫案件為例說明。文中第貳段說明傳統、 現代與混合型調解類型。現代調解有著不同的調解技巧,這些類型在發 展過程中陸續被提出來,且常常它們是以成對方式出現的。大致有七種 型式,分別是現代型調解原型、法院調解、討價還價式與治療式調解、狹隘與需求解決式調解、狹隘問題解決式與轉換式調解、評價式與促進 式調解與敘事式調解。混合型調解目前有日本的醫療調解與台灣的關懷 式調解。第參段以案例說明各種調解類型間處理的差異。第肆段則是以 醫療爭議案例說明混合型調解。接著探討關懷式調解及其四個層面的優 點。對於這些調解類型中,本文結論建議以混合型調解,尤其是在臺灣 以關懷式調解作為複雜型爭議例如醫療爭議的較合適調解模式。此外台 灣的關懷式調解可適用於醫療爭議或醫療機構以外的爭議類型或地 點,而有別於只能運用於醫院的日本醫療調解。
Problem-Solving Mediation, Therapeutic Type Mediation, Transformative Type Mediation, Narrative Type Mediation, Mixed Type Mediation, Japanese Healthcare Mediation, Caring Style Mediation.
Mediation concepts can be quite complex. Modern mediation has been established since the 70’s in the USA. Since then, there are many developments of different mediation skills. For better understanding of the difference between different types of mediation skill, the author uses a famous Chinese idiom story, a case of a young boy gave a large pear of the two to his elder brother and its advance form with change of dispute item and issue to explain how disputes may be treated differently in different skills with these two cases. As for mixed type mediation skills, a medical dispute case was used for explanation. There are 3 types of mediation explained in section two, i.e.: tradition, modern, and modern development-mixed type. Different modern mediation skills had been postulated during its development. Various types of skill may appear as pair in mediation. There are 7 skill types, namely: original modern mediation, court annex mediation, bargain vs therapeutic, narrowing problem-solving vs needs basis, narrowing problem solving vs transformative, evaluative vs facilitative, and narrative type mediation. Mixed type mediations currently include healthcare mediation from Japan and caring style mediation in Taiwan. In section three, the author used dispute cases to explain the difference between various skill type of mediation, followed with section four, medical dispute case for mixed type mediation. Then, caring style mediation was explained with its advantages in four dimensions. In summary, the author’s opinion is that mixed type mediation i.e. caring style mediation in Taiwan is a suitable model for complex disputes such as medical disputes. Furthermore, Taiwan’s caring style mediation can be used in disputes other then the one involved in the medical cases or healthcare institutes, hence is different from the healthcare mediation in Japan that is applied only in the hospitals.
壹、前言 一、調解與訴訟之基本著重點有別 二、調解之類型繁雜 三、制度上與制度外之調解 四、複雜型爭議需要何種技巧型態之調解 貳、調解之進展 一、傳統調解 二、現代調解 三、混合型調解 (一)日本醫療調解 (二)關懷式調解 參、不同調解技巧類型之差異 一、傳統調解 二、現代調解 (一)初期調解類型 (二)後續提出調解類型 三、小結 肆、適合解決複雜型爭議之調解模式 一、複雜型爭議-以醫療爭議案件為例 二、現有醫療爭議調解不足之處 (一)調解制度 (二)調解委員 (三)調解員知識技能與養成教育 三、日本醫療調解 (一)日本醫療調解之緣起 (二)混合四種類型調解之技巧原理 (三)單一調解技巧在混合類型爭議之實務運作 (四)作為我國借鑑之價值 四、關懷式調解 (一)與日本醫療調解之淵源 (二)與日本醫療調解之差別 (三)關懷式調解之運用 五、關懷式調解作為解決複雜型爭議調解優缺點 (一)運用於制度外調解 (二)運用於各個不同階段之制度上調解 (三)運用於回饋醫療安全與品質 (四)需具備完整體系、理念與教學系統 伍、結論