
國際仲裁中仲裁人之倫理 -以利益衝突為中心
Ethics for Arbitrators in International Arbitration: Focusing on Conflicts of Interest
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倫理規範;仲裁人;利益衝突;IBA 利益衝突指引;仲裁
二次世界大戰以後,因交通技術改進,貨櫃運輸造成一貫運送, 國際間產業分工迅速增加,跨國貿易與投資因而蓬勃發展。於國際商 業活動中,仲裁因具有專業、效率、經濟、隱私與可執行性等特徵, 已被廣泛接受為訴訟的替代解決方案。國際仲裁程序因為不具有明確 和繁複之程序法,仲裁從業人員工作過程中之倫理規範就顯得格外重 要。然而,在國際仲裁程序中,倫理規範之適用則往往不夠明確。由 於國際仲裁中匯集來自許多不同文化與法律體系之參與者,而伴隨不 同文化和法律傳統間所存在的衝突,便使得參與國際仲裁之仲裁人與 律師應適用哪些倫理規範,變得極具爭議性。近年來,隨著國際仲裁 案件增長,帶動參與國際仲裁之仲裁人與律師數量增加,此現象亦被 隨之放大。因此,越來越多的人關注和討論哪些準則或規則應適用於 國際仲裁。觀我國仲裁實務與相關研究論著,得以發現,傳統上並未 就國際仲裁中,仲裁人之倫理有過多之討論與說明。因此,該如何調 節來自許多不同文化與法律體系之參與者,就仲裁人倫理之認識,則 成為當前我國仲裁之發展,必須釐清之課題。故本文將藉由國際律師 協會(International Bar Association, IBA)所頒佈之仲裁人倫理規範(IBA Rules of Ethics for International Arbitrators)及仲裁人利益衝突指南(IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration),探討國際 仲裁中仲裁人之倫理制度,盼能作為我國仲裁與司法實務之參考。
Ethics Rules, Arbitrators, Conflicts of Interest, International Bar Association, Arbitration
After World War II, due to the improvement of transportation technology, container transport led to intermodal transport, the international division of labor increased rapidly, and transnational trade and investment flourished. In international business activities, arbitration has been widely accepted as an alternative solution to litigation due to its professionalism, efficiency, economic values, privacy, and enforceability. Since international arbitration procedures do not have clear and detailed procedural rules, hence the ethics rules in the work process of arbitration practitioners are particularly important. However, in international arbitration procedures, the application of ethical norms is often less clear. As international arbitration includes participants from many different cultures and legal systems, along with conflicts between the different cultures and legal traditions, it has become extremely controversial which ethical norms should be applied by arbitrators and lawyers participating in international arbitration. In recent years, with the growth of international arbitration cases, the number of arbitrators and lawyers participating in international arbitration has increased, and this phenomenon has also been magnified. As a result, more and more attention and discussion are focused on which guidelines or rules should be applicable to international arbitration. When it comes to the practice of arbitration in my country and related research, it can be found that there is little discussion and explanation of the arbitrators’ ethics in international arbitration historically. Therefore, how to adjust the participants from many different cultures and legal systems under the understanding of the arbitrators’ ethics, has become a topic that must be clarified in the current development of arbitration in my country. On that account, this article will be based on the IBA Rules of Ethics for International Arbitrators and IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration promulgated by the International Bar Association, IBA, discussing the ethical system of arbitrators in international arbitration, hoping to serve as a reference for arbitration and judicial practice in my country.
壹、前言 貳、IBA 就國際仲裁人倫理之規範 一、IBA 倫理規則 二、IBA 利益衝突指引 參、IBA 利益衝突指引於司法實務之作用 一、傳統司法實務上就仲裁人利益衝突之認定 二、IBA 利益衝突指引於各國司法實務中之作用 肆、我國仲裁人倫理規範之展望-代結論